As 2009 ends, the first decade of the 21st century ends. Club Penguin has only been around for half the decade. From 2005 - present. It has been changing ever since. In 2009, it was our year that we attended every party and we made a video about every* party. In this video, we recap the parties showing a fast replay of it. We cover all rooms, free items and cheats from all parties from the past year. If you are looking for a certain part, click the time below to what party you want. And if you want to see the slower versian of the party, the link will be in the video.: [0:20] January 2009 - Fiesta Party [0:53] Febuary 2009 - Puffle Party [1:34] March 2009 - St. Patrick's Day [2:15] April 2009 - Easter Egg Hunt [2:55] May 2009 - Medieval Party [3:50] June 2009 - Adventure Party [4:15] July 2009 - Music Jam [5:04] August 2009 - Festival of Flight [5:48] September 2009 - Fall Fair [6:44] October 2009 - 4th Birthday [7:17] October 2009 - Halloween [7:43] November 2009 - NO PARTIES [7:48] December 2009 - Christmas Party *The only party we did not cover was the "April Fool's Party". I did not cover that because I was sick that day, and I had April Fool's problems with classmates leading up to trouble. It was all jokes but teachers don't understand! We wish everyone a happy new year, we hope this year we can finaly get 1million videw views. We can only get that from your help everyone. Please continue watching our videos. Thanks for watching. ENJOY! Follow me on Twitter for the ...
Keywords: Club, Penguin, News, 10, 2010, 2009, all, parties, recap, information, free, items, account, membership, trade, toy, codes, puffle, party, fiesta, music, jam, fall, fair, adventure, 09', halloween, holiday, christmas, holidays, fun, vid, cool, sweet, cp, video, game, how, to, get, rare
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